Monday, May 25, 2009

Week #2 Eureka Moment

Earlier today my girlfriend and I decided to watch a movie this morning. Unfortunately, on this beautiful Memorial Day options for the day's activities were limited since she was not feeling well. So I recommended the movie, American Pie. Now, I had not seen this movie since...I don't even know, seven or eight years at least. For those of you who have not seen it, it is a very raunchy comedy centered around sexual humor that is based on four high school seniors who make a pact to lose their virginity by prom. During the opening scenes at Stiffler's party where the sexual behaviors and obscene terms fully let loose, my girlfriend turns and asks, "Are guys really like that in high school?" My first instinct was to say, "yes", but I hesitated and really thought about it. I eventually replied, "a lot, but mostly no." I went to two very different high schools (one with a class size of 150 and the other 1,200) and so I had great deal of frame of reference, but the film's portrayal of hormone-crazed teenagers putting all their energies into one such goal is not very accurate, of course. I then thought about the countless number of similar films with similar portrayals and what girls must think from seeing these movies so many of which depict similar messages. It's all over television as well. I know there's not many fellow males in this class, but what do you think about the male portrayal in these teen films? And for the women, what are your reactions toward these types of movies/shows?


  1. Nik-
    I think, for me, there is a generational answer to that question. I was raised in the 1960s and 1970s by parents who have 1950s morals. While I find the humor of these teen comedies trite and boring, I see the appeal to the younger generation of men. I find it difficult to imagine that girls find this amusing but maybe I'm a bit out of touch. I did watch "American Pie" but this film was not marketed to my demographic. I did find some things in the film funny - but generally speaking, I considered this a "guy flik," like "Hollywood Knights" and even "Animal House."

    I'm never offended by these films because I think there is a market for them - I just choose to watch other films.

    But seriously, dude, why would you rent "American Pie" when you're girlfriend isn't feeling well. You're supposed to rent a "chick flik" which I'm sure is a taboo saying in this class.


  2. Nik,

    I don't know - I think that all movies, TV shows and other media (magazines, etc.) embellish (or should I say "poetic license") - but some of it could be based on "truths". I mean - the writers must have a person or persons in mind when they write these scripts or articles - right? Do I think it's "gospel", no - but has a foundation - heck, yes! What do you guys think?
